Best Employee Engagement Posts for Feb 9th
Combine the WHY and the art of Lingering, and I have learned this week to slow down a bit. Maybe still not as much as I need to, but more than I have.
Instead of a mad rush in our businesses, what if we were to linger a little longer, discover our WHY, and then be really thoughtful about where that will take us? I wonder what would happen if we were to value that as much as a hyper-focus on productivity alone. I would not be surprised if productivity increased even more than before.
Just a few thoughts as you start this busy week.
-Kevin Jones
At some start-ups, Friday is so casual that it’s not even a workday
“At first, I thought, ‘This is insane; We’ve got way too much work to do,’ ” Carson said. “But the more I thought about it, really, running your own company is about creating your own universe. So why not create a universe you’d want to live in? That’s when the idea went from stupid and crazy to, maybe we should actually do that. So we tried it one week, and never looked back.” (read more…)
Lessons in Learning to Linger
“I have long pondered the importance of slowing down, of pausing long enough to reflect on what a particular situation or circumstance could teach me. The problem is, I have not been very successful in actually doing something to periodically interrupt the ever-present pull to hurry along, to get busy pursuing the next thing on my ‘to-do’ list.
But I decided recently, enough is enough. If I am truly going to live up and into my potential as a leader, at home, at work, in my church, and in my community, I need to spend more time pausing to appreciate, reflect, and learn from life’s ordinary moments.” (read more…)
Deloitte: Millennials Are Not as Different as Originally Thought
Maybe the flexibility is the most important thing for employee engagement. “Findings show that work is changing in that it is more flexible, open and tech-friendly than ever before. While nine out of ten employees would prefer to work at the office, they still want the option of working from home if necessary. 62 per cent of millennials and 59 per cent of non-millennials feel open and connected to their coworkers which close to two-thirds agree they seek such connection in an ideal workplace.” (read more…)
Disruptive Startups Sell What Customers Want– And Let Competitors Sell What They Don’t
Although focused on startups, there is a lot to be learned about how successful ones run and how we can engage our employees better. “The companies spearheading the trend look for opportunities to deliver what is of most value to the consumer while stripping away what’s not—leaving the rest to be delivered by the established player.” There is something here for us to learn in “decoupling.” (read more…)
How 14 Successful Entrepreneurs Discovered Their Life Purpose
Have you found your purpose – your WHY? Employees who know their WHY are automatically engaged. No coorsion, no extrinsic incentives, no extra programs. It just happens. Here is a list of how others found their WHY. (read more…)