The Top 10 Ways You Will Work in the New Year
These are the top 10 ways you will work in the new year
10. Those boring weekly meetings that put you to sleep and take up your precious time? You will still go to them.
9. Your email will overflow and be unmanageable and yet you will still miss important information.
8. You will play political games. Why? Because that is the only way to get ahead and still avoid the landmines.
7. Your idea of working collaboratively will drive you to keep those weekly status update meetings and use distribution lists for your agenda and meeting minutes.
6. Learning will continue to be an event that happens instead of an intergral part of the way you work.
5. You will put more policies in place that further entrench in your employees mind that you still don’t trust them.
4. Phrases like “BYOD” “Social Networks” “Flatten the org” “Transparency” will continue to be ignored as fads.
3. You only tell your employees what you need to – and no more – for them to do their jobs.
2. Your idea of employee engagement will be to give out that employee of the year award.
1. And then something will disrupt your company, your team or your position and you will realize that the way you have been working, the way you have been organized, isn’t as effective as it once one. That the principles you have been taught and practiced in your career are no longer relevant if you want to continue to thrive.
And you will be reach out to those who can show you a new way to work – because you will finally be open to the idea that there might be a better way. That there are new rules of business and that to thrive, you must change. Because if you don’t, change will happen, only you won’t have a say in the way it works out.