Are You a Cog?
What is a COG? COG is short for the term “Corporate Cog”
…an employee who is obedient, diligent, comes to work every day, on time and works for the money. They may have gone to school for their job and even received advanced degrees, but they don’t really enjoy what they are doing. But they don’t hate it either. It is just a job.
When their alarm goes off in the morning, they groan and have a hard time getting out of bed.
A COG can be at any level in the organization, from the CEO to the base employee. They will usually do just about anything to keep the job – the job they really don’t care for.
They are often beat up at work and instead of fighting back, they take it. They don’t rock the boat because they don’t want to be the next former employee.
Their WHY for working is to get a paycheck. They often go home exhausted, only to return the next day to do it again.
On the other hand, the DECOGGED employee is the opposite. Yes, they are diligent in their job, but they also are creative, ingenious, and innovative. Their paycheck is a side benefit because they LOVE what they do.
When the alarm clock goes off in the morning, they are excited about what they get to do that day.
I have seen DECOGGED janitors, admin assistants as well as CEOs. As with a COG, the DECOGGED person can be at any level. They don’t have a problem rocking the boat because they know that thier job is a means to an end, not the end itself.
They understand WHY they are working, and it usually is not for the money, but for a higher purpose. And it is not unusual to go home more excited and energetic than when they came because what they are working on they thoroughly love.
So, which are you? Are you a COG or have you DECOGGED yourself?
If you have any symptoms of a COG, keep watching these videos to learn how to decog yourself.