Control or Self-Management? A VINJONES Discussion
“To control or self manage? That is the question.”
-William Shakespeare
My family and I just took a quick trip to the home and neighborhood we lived in when they were little. One of the memories they were laughing about was that the school would give out “Self-Manager” badges/awards. They were always trying to get them. One daughter would earn so many, she would stack them up. Our oldest son, however, would earn it and then he would do something it would be taken away. Then he would earn it back again, only to have it taken away. Again.
We understand that the kids will be better if they are self-managed. What if we tried to do that on a more adult level at work?
As part of the VINJONES Discussions, use this video at the start of your meeting to discuss what parts of your team you should control, and which you should allow to be should self-managed.
Simply show this video at the beginning of your meeting and start the discussion. Give a chance for your team to open up and be honest. You will be amazed at what they come up with.
Then, go sign up for the VINJONES Discussion membership, which gives you access to not only all the past VINJONES Discussions, but also the unpublished ones.