How Your Company Makes It Difficult For You To Do Your Job
ResumeBear has a great infographic (below) that tells us more than what I think it intended to.
One might believe that the reason these companies give all these “extravagant” perks is because:
- Those companies are ruled by the younger generations.
- It is the new “hip” thing to do.
- It is expected in those type of companies.
- The entitlement culture of Gimme-Gimme has taken over their companies.
- They have a ton of money and so they can afford to do be that generous.
While each of those may be true to some extent, we can’t dismiss it as a fad that will fade away soon. Could it be that they are on to something that most companies don’t see?
For right or wrong, here is my take. (I know there is some truth to this. How much? That is for you to judge.)
They offer these perks because it makes it easy to work for their company.
“I don’t have to go somewhere to work out. I can go to another building, exercise, take a shower and be back at work quickly and with very little hassle.”
“There isn’t a need to take an hour lunch just to drive somewhere, grab fast food, a junky lunch and drive back and feel like trash the rest of the day. Just go grab some food down the hall, keep working and still feel good.”
“Instead of feeling stressed out and being unproductive, I can go play pingpong or a video game and get my agression out. Then I can return and feel energized and revived and keep rock’n the day.”
“Instead of taking time to report all hours I took off, I just take it off if I need it. My value is not in how many days I am here, but my what I create. They trust me not to take advantage of that. And for that, I trust them.”
My challenge to you: Take a critical look at your business and find those things that are getting in the way of allowing your employees to work. What makes it hard for the employees to do their job? It could be a policy, facility, or mental issue. Whatever it is, make it easy for your employees to work for you.